Inside Contemporary Dance

#6: EYAS Dance Project | Embracing diversity in the studio and on stage, free gender expression, constant self-experimentation, and breaking out of any norms and social constructs that may limit our intrinsic potential as artists and human beings

Amit Abend Season 1 Episode 6

For this episode of “Inside Contemporary Dance”, I sat down to chat with the incredibly talented, deeply inspiring, Carlos González and Seth Buckley, who founded the contemporary dance company EYAS Dance Project.
Since its foundation in 2018, EYAS has presented works around the world, taken part in international dance Festivals, and received various awards from prestigious choreographic competitions. As part of the company’s manifesto, Carlos and Seth describe EYAS dance project as a queer company that supports female, femme, and LGBTQ+ creators. EYAS dance project honors and values physical differences, and transparent communication, and focuses on humanity as the basis of work. We discussed how these values are manifested in their lives, both inside the studio and out in the world. We talked about their creative processes, what it actually means to create a company, their call for reformation in dance companies and dance institutions, their vision for the future of the company (which also involved a shamanic drum ceremony … stay tuned for that…) and so much more!

Book recommendation:
The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love by Sonya Renee Taylor.

Follow EYAS Dance Project here:

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My many thanks go to:
Ariel Isakowitz - Texts editor, general consultor & dear friend 
Carl Albrecht - Mix and sound
Marco Dray - Original music
Dagmara Śliwińska - Podcast cover photo
Moritz Wright - Podcast cover photo design
Thomas Bewernick -  Sound, recording, & being there every step of the way
My dear family - Because I love you
Last but not least - YOU. My dear listeners. You are the life and spirit behind the podcast. THANK YOU!