Inside Contemporary Dance

#4: Fernando Balsera | Staying grounded in stormy times, balancing the professional and personal, the art of setting boundaries, cultivating self-compassion, neuroplasticity and emotional intelligence

Amit Abend Season 1 Episode 4

For this episode of “Inside Contemporary Dance”, I sat down to chat with Fernando Balsera.

Originally from Madrid, Fernando completed his dance education with a Postgraduate in Contemporary Dance at The Place in London. He has worked for MotionHouse Dance Theatre in the UK and Gabriella Maiorino, Lilach Livne, and Simone Sandroni in Amsterdam and Munich. Since 2011 Fernando has lived in Berlin. He has worked for Toula Limnaios, Shangchi Sun, Wee Dance Company-Gerhart Hauptmann Theater Görlitz, Hagit Yakira Dance (London, Uk), PlanMee (Nürnberg, Germany), Ruben Reniers (Berlin, Germany), Canan Erek (Berlin, Germany), Junk Ensemble (Ireland), Meg-Stuart (Berlin, Germany), Ivo Dimchev (Berlin, Germany), Luis Lara Malvacías and Jeremy Nelson (Berlin, Germany) among others. Fernando is currently working as a performer for Sasha Waltz and Guests and SZENE 2WEI.

Fernando’s expertise reaches far beyond the realm of dance. He has a Masters in Business Administration, is a Sports Massage Therapist, as well as a certified teacher in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, and the Search Inside Yourself program. So as you can guess, we had so much to talk about!

Fernando’s Recommendations:

1) “Mini Habits” by Stephen Guise
2) “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
3) “Full Catastrophe Living” by Jon Kabat-Zinn
4) “Wherever You Go, There You Are” by Jon Kabat-Zinn

1) Yoga App: Glo
2) Martin E. P. Seligman: positive psychology.
3) The work of the scientist Dr. Kristin Neff; a great starting point for people interested in tapping into compassion training, mindfulness, etc...
4) Ted talk by Brenen brown: The Power Of Vulnerability.

Follow Fernando:

Instagram: @fernandobalsera

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My many thanks go to:
Ariel Isakowitz - Texts editor, general consultor & dear friend 
Carl Albrecht - Mix and sound
Marco Dray - Original music
Dagmara Śliwińska - Podcast cover photo
Moritz Wright - Podcast cover photo design
Thomas Bewernick -  Sound, recording, & being there every step of the way
My dear family - Because I love you
Last but not least - YOU. My dear listeners. You are the life and spirit behind the podcast. THANK YOU!